I came up with a quick list of benefits.
~ It's an upgraded version of recycling, more people oriented and fun.
~ It's great for the environment, keeping useful things out of landfills.
~ It provides an effortless way to help someone.
~ You'll get a lot of free stuff.
~ It's free.
Give it a try?
Yes, I freecycle in Los Angeles and I feel really good about it!
You should! Isn't it such a great concept?
I traveled to Seattle recently to help my sister find a place, and one of the first things we did was sign her up for freecycle, so she could get some stuff for her new apartment without breaking her student budget :) I'm a member in Lincoln, Neb., and Salt Lake City, Utah.
My friends in Dallas are apart of this, they also dumpster dive. I am looking to get into it in Oklahoma.
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